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Freedom Traders Blueprint
Freedom Traders Blueprint - Day 1
Course Orientation and Introduction to Course Curriculum (3:39)
Fundamentals, Stock Exchanges, Financial Markets (8:42)
Trading Platform, Work Flow of a Trade, Trade Life Cycle (7:53)
Reasons for Failure in Stock Market (7:34)
Freedom Traders Blueprint - Day 2
Trading Volume, Depth Of Market, Circuits (10:57)
Trading Preparation, Term of Investment (8:54)
Intraday Vs. Delivery Trading, Brokerage charges (7:43)
Market Cap, Blue Chip Stocks (3:53)
Freedom Traders Blueprint - Day 3
Stock Selection - Types of Analysis (5:00)
Risk to Reward Ratio (5:50)
Tools to Support Trading (5:10)
Conclusion and What Next? (5:24)
Trading Preparation, Term of Investment
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